The Most Faked iPhone Ever

One client brought this iPhone to a service center saying it wasn't working at all, and the battery was low all the time. Let's see what was inside the phone.

Pepper from “American Horror Story” in Real Life

Pepper is a character from the second season of the American Horror story. Now, let's see how Naomi Grossman, the actress who played Pepper in the series, looks like in the real life

Anorexic Pregnant Girl

It may sound scary and crazy, but the story is really interesting. Holly Griffiths is 21 years old and has battled anorexia from the age of eight. She gave birth to her son at 37 weeks via caesarean and she was so thin that the baby actually broke one of her ribs while he was growing inside of her. Holly is now pregnant with her second baby and here are some pictures of her before and during her pregnancy so far.

Ultimate Weird Japanese Commercials Compilation [Video]

We’re not sure when Japan’s TV audience has a chance to run to the bathroom seeing how entertaining the commercials are, but there’s probably another great invention out there to keep them in their seats.